Thursday, June 30, 2011

Quiz Masters

The girls love to ask questions--all of the time. It's pretty cute. Betsy is also a "corrector beptor," which is what my sisters and I call someone who corrects people all of the time. Don't ask where beptor came from. They also say super cute stuff all of the time.
Here are some gems:
Sadie was asking me a bunch of questions so I asked, "Why are you asking me so many questions?" She said, "Because I'm just a yittle kid."
The girls made a craft after camp and sadie said she wanted to bring it to dinner at Jama's because she made it for Jama. Betsy looked concerned then looked at me and I looked at them not knowing quite what to say and Betsy put her hand on Sadie's arm and said, "Jama is in heaven." Sadie said, "But this is for Jama and I want to bring it." So she brought it and asked me to keep in my purse. Even though Sadie was only 15 months when Jama passed away she still remembers her! :)

Betsy--"Which is further away--heaven or Mars?" I had never thought about that as a child. I told her I thought heaven was further away. B got upset and said, "But I'm not ready to go to heaven!!!" I told her that it wouldn't be for a long, long time. B said, "But, Mommy, you keep saying I am growing up so fast!" The other day I said, "Oh, my back is stiff. I am getting old." Betsy said, "What, Mommy? Getting old??? You know what that means!" My little girl is so afraid of death.

Betsy said, "When I grow up I want to be a mommy and a teacher." Sadie said, "I want to be a mommy and I want to drive." Literally every time we get in the car Sadie asks me if she can drive then laughs hysterically then asks if when she is a mommy she can drive. I always her that she can. Betsy told Sadie that when she becomes a mommy she has to move out and live in her house with her own family. Sadie looked terrified and said she never wanted us to not live together. She said, "Mommy, Daddy, Betsy, and Sadie in the house together all the time."
B asked me how old Jesus was. I had to think, because I know He died, then rose again so I can't tell her that He died. I changed the subject.
Betsy cried the other day while she was drawing because she couldn't get the color of the sunset in her drawing quite right. She is very critical of herself and her artwork. She wants everything to be perfect. Wonder where she gets that from--my motto is, after all, everything must be perfect. It's sort of a joke, but sort of not. I told her that things don't always have to be perfect, but she told me it's just so much better when they are. She is me. She loves to sing and ham it up and make up rhymes.
My girls do and say wonderful things every day. I just have to remember them all!!!

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