Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Day 3

Day 3 started off as a rainy, yucky day. Luckily we had breakfast scheduled at Chef Mickey's, which was in our hotel. Both girls liked the characters there a lot. It took Sadie a minute or two to warm up, but once she did she really had fun. Notice the girls' adorable matching dresses--Attie found them on Etsy--too cute! After breakfast P took B to the arcade in the hotel and S and I went to the gift shop. After some rest time at the hotel we decided to venture out to the Magic Kingdom. It was a little bit cool and cloudy, but at least it wasn't raining. After lunch and a few rides we headed out to Animal Kingdom to meet the Carveys. We caught a parade then rode the Kilamanjaro Safari ride (super cool/ the animals were so close to us) and saw a Lion King show then a Finding Nemo show. Attie and I rode the super scary Expedition Everest roller coaster. We had dinner at Rainforest Cafe, which was super crazy but the kids loved it. It was another fun and full day.

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