Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Day 4

These girls were wiped out after Day 3. We went to the Magic Kingdom in the morning and caught a really cool show at Cinderella's castle. Next we rode Dumbo, which was a very special ride for Attie and me. We will never forget our first trip to Disney World when I was 6 and she was 4 and we rode Dumbo...and Dumbo didn't fly. We just spun around at ground level and my Dad kept telling my Mom to press the button and she kept saying that she was. We love that story! So we took full advantage of Dumbo's flying ability this time--Betsy and I went up and down bunches of times. Later on we met up with Betsy's buddy Lindsay and her family. Betsy was thrilled to see her because she had been talking about her the entire trip. We rode Peter Pan with her and they held hands and sang and generally acted adorably. Later on we found Betsy's favorite ride (and perhaps the lamest ride at Disney World--that's not mean, it's true), The Peoplemover. To get on the Peoplemover you ride up a flat escalator of sorts then you enter slow moving carts and basically tour Tomorrow Land. Betsy thought it was the coolest and rode it FOUR times! Sadie and I rode it twice with B and P then while Sadie and I watched the night time parade B and P rode it two more times. Wow.

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