Thursday, April 7, 2011

Happy Mardi Gras--Disney Style!

On Mardi Gras morning we woke up at the crack of dawn to head to the airport for our magical trip to Disney World. The girls were very excited about their first airplane ride, but we went through my stash of coloring books, books, and toys very quickly. They were ready to get there. We stayed at the Contemporary, which was super convenient because the monorail ran right through it. Our room was comfortable and we had a view of the bay. There was a cool light show in the bay every night at 10--my sleepless Sadie saw it twice. Once we made it to the Magic Kingdom I was frankly a bit overwhelmed. I am a control freak as most people know. At Disney you have to relinquish control and that's not my thing. It took us a few days to figure out the meal plan and the best routes, but by the second to last day we finally figured it out. It was a great trip albeit a hectic one. Having the Carvilles there made it even more fun and it was so cute to see all of the girls falling in love with Disney World together. The girls can't wait to go back.

Waiting for the parade, which may have been in Betsy's top three favorite things at Disney World. She was so excited to see the characters and beamed the entire time the parade passed. I thought they might have been paraded out, but all of the girls were super psyched.


Sorta scary

It's a Small World

It's a Small World was Sadie's favorite ride because it was not one bit scary. She cried and clung to me on the Peter Pan ride, the Pirates of the Carribean ride, and the Snow White ride was the scariest--it really was scary--I guess the fact that it was called 'Snow White's Scary Adventures' should have tipped us off.

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