Well, it looks like our rescheduled beach trip will most likely be cancelled. I'm up by myself watching the news. I hate spending days and nights glued to the TV and the computer looking at 5 day tracks and computer models. Ugh. Well, I filled the car up with gas this afternoon. The gas stations have been packed for the last couple of days. I guess I may start packing tomorrow. I'm still packed for the beach--guess I'll just have to switch some things out. We are planning to head to BR and stay with the Stones. B is going to love playing with Camille and Andrew. Today is Andrew's first birthday--Happy Birthday!!!
Today we went to playgroup at Evelyn's and the moms watched the Weather Channel and talked about evacuation plans--then we went to TCBY and ate a bunch of yogurt! Peter made delicious homemade pizza tonight; Betsy couldn't get enough of it. It was delicious.
I'm done with storm watching for the night. I hope I wake up to news that there's no way it's going to hit us.
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Weekend (and last week) Roundup
Sorry it's been so long since my last post. Last week we were preparing for our beach vacation that we had to cancel--thanks, Fay! We rescheduled it for this weekend. Now we're sitting around wondering if we'll have to not only cancel our trip again, but have to evacuate--thanks, Gustav!
Last week we did lots of things. On Monday we went to Music. On Tuesday we stayed home because Sadie seemed to be coming down with a cold. Luckily she felt better by the afternoon. On Wednesday the Saunders kids came over to play and have lunch. B went to Jama's for dinner. That night I went to see 'Tropic Thunder' with Katie A. It was very funny. On Thursday we went to playgroup at Andrea's then to Marme's in the afternoon. Thursday night Attie and I went to Orient Expressed for a preview of the bin sale--thanks, Bee! We found lots of precious outfits and Gumbo treated us--thanks, Gumbo! We thought P was going to be able to leave work early since we were supposed to be at the beach, but he had to work all day. Boo. On Saturday morning we tried to go to Betsy's Pancake House, but it was closed. So we searched for somewhere near there and ended up at CC's on Esplanade. Then we headed to City Park and B rode the carousel twice, the little cars twice (all by herself!), and the whole family rode the train. It was really fun! Saturday night we went to dinner at Irene's with Gumbo, Bee, the sisters, and the boys. Sam watched the little girls. It was delicious and fun as always. On Sunday Attie and Lawson came over while the boys played tennis. We stayed at home all day because it was rainy.
Yesterday was my birthday! The Big 34--yikes! Peter stayed home and we went to Riccobono's for breakfast. We hung out at home and waited for the a/c repairman. Luckily our a/c was only out for a few hours and we have window units downstairs so we could hang down there. Last night we went to Marme's for dinner. It was delicious and we had so much fun.
This morning we went to the Parenting Center then home. Attie and Lawson and Katie came over this afternoon. Gumbo just picked up B for dinner, Sadie is asleep, and Peter is at his Fantasy Football Draft. It's just Sadie Boo and me tonight!
What B has been saying/doing:
-mommy, the car is hot, turn on da air, please
-betsy is remembering everything we say and repeats it later on. she's also singing 'ring around the rosy' and wants me to sing constantly 'old macdonald,' 'london bridge is falling down,' etc.
-when I pulled out a dress for her to wear today she said, 'no, betsy no like it.' here we go....
-when I take something away she says, 'mommy take it away'
-she says 'leave it alone' when I tell her not to touch something
-she is curious about what should go in the garbage
-when I show her new clothes she says 'mommy has to wash it'
-in the morning she says 'sleep on da sofa, drink milk, pink cup' then lies down on the sofa on a pillow and usually says, 'ohhh, cozy'
-whenever she wants me to find something she says what she wants then says 'mommy look'
-she sings all the time and sings acouple of songs I've never heard before
Sadie continues to smile, coo, and sleep very well. She is so cute and Betsy tries to hug her and kiss her all the time.
I have tried to upload pics 3 times and I can't. I'll try later.
Last week we did lots of things. On Monday we went to Music. On Tuesday we stayed home because Sadie seemed to be coming down with a cold. Luckily she felt better by the afternoon. On Wednesday the Saunders kids came over to play and have lunch. B went to Jama's for dinner. That night I went to see 'Tropic Thunder' with Katie A. It was very funny. On Thursday we went to playgroup at Andrea's then to Marme's in the afternoon. Thursday night Attie and I went to Orient Expressed for a preview of the bin sale--thanks, Bee! We found lots of precious outfits and Gumbo treated us--thanks, Gumbo! We thought P was going to be able to leave work early since we were supposed to be at the beach, but he had to work all day. Boo. On Saturday morning we tried to go to Betsy's Pancake House, but it was closed. So we searched for somewhere near there and ended up at CC's on Esplanade. Then we headed to City Park and B rode the carousel twice, the little cars twice (all by herself!), and the whole family rode the train. It was really fun! Saturday night we went to dinner at Irene's with Gumbo, Bee, the sisters, and the boys. Sam watched the little girls. It was delicious and fun as always. On Sunday Attie and Lawson came over while the boys played tennis. We stayed at home all day because it was rainy.
Yesterday was my birthday! The Big 34--yikes! Peter stayed home and we went to Riccobono's for breakfast. We hung out at home and waited for the a/c repairman. Luckily our a/c was only out for a few hours and we have window units downstairs so we could hang down there. Last night we went to Marme's for dinner. It was delicious and we had so much fun.
This morning we went to the Parenting Center then home. Attie and Lawson and Katie came over this afternoon. Gumbo just picked up B for dinner, Sadie is asleep, and Peter is at his Fantasy Football Draft. It's just Sadie Boo and me tonight!
What B has been saying/doing:
-mommy, the car is hot, turn on da air, please
-betsy is remembering everything we say and repeats it later on. she's also singing 'ring around the rosy' and wants me to sing constantly 'old macdonald,' 'london bridge is falling down,' etc.
-when I pulled out a dress for her to wear today she said, 'no, betsy no like it.' here we go....
-when I take something away she says, 'mommy take it away'
-she says 'leave it alone' when I tell her not to touch something
-she is curious about what should go in the garbage
-when I show her new clothes she says 'mommy has to wash it'
-in the morning she says 'sleep on da sofa, drink milk, pink cup' then lies down on the sofa on a pillow and usually says, 'ohhh, cozy'
-whenever she wants me to find something she says what she wants then says 'mommy look'
-she sings all the time and sings acouple of songs I've never heard before
Sadie continues to smile, coo, and sleep very well. She is so cute and Betsy tries to hug her and kiss her all the time.
I have tried to upload pics 3 times and I can't. I'll try later.
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Weekend Roundup
On Friday morning I brought the girls to Attie's and they played with Sam while I did errands. I bought B's final birthday present. I can't wait till her birthday! B woke up from her nap with a temperature of 101 degrees, but it went away and didn't come back and she seemed fine. Weird. In the afternoon Bee and Gumbo came over to visit. P made a yummy dinner and we watched the Olympics. On Saturday morning the Carvilles came over. The boys went do some errands and the girls played. Lawson loved touching Sadie, and Sadie didn't mind one bit. Attie and I made cupcakes and it took forever and we made a huge mess, but they were really yummy. B loved her cupcake, but especially the "tarkles" (sprinkles). She also ate some prune baby food that she called pudding and she seemed to really like it. Yuck. Last night P and I ordered pizza and watched the Saints game and the Olympics. This morning the Carvilles came over again and the boys went to play tennis. Attie and I made lists for our beach trip. I cannot wait! Gumbo and Bee brought B and Lawson to the zoo and they rode the up and down. We had a very relaxing weekend.
Funny things B has been saying:
--"Mommy, put Sadie on da toy." The toy is Sadie's playmat
--B and Lawson were lying on the playmat then Lawson would touch B on the face or arm and B would say, "oh no! Lawsy got Betsy's hair/nose/eyes/leg/hand"
--B grabs our noses and says, "honk, honk!"
--B gives a play by play of everything that happens and gives an instant replay of everything that happens.
--I have a scratch on my leg and Betsy said, "Mommy bobo" then she kissed it and rubbed it with one of Sadie's burp cloths and said, "Betsy rub it" then she wrapped it around my leg and said, "Mommy's cast."
--B has started flipping through her books and talking out loud as if she is reading.

Funny things B has been saying:
--"Mommy, put Sadie on da toy." The toy is Sadie's playmat
--B and Lawson were lying on the playmat then Lawson would touch B on the face or arm and B would say, "oh no! Lawsy got Betsy's hair/nose/eyes/leg/hand"
--B grabs our noses and says, "honk, honk!"
--B gives a play by play of everything that happens and gives an instant replay of everything that happens.
--I have a scratch on my leg and Betsy said, "Mommy bobo" then she kissed it and rubbed it with one of Sadie's burp cloths and said, "Betsy rub it" then she wrapped it around my leg and said, "Mommy's cast."
--B has started flipping through her books and talking out loud as if she is reading.
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Busy Week
Betsy was still fussy on Tuesday when we walked in the Park (she cried nearly the whole time) and then when we went to the NOCC to swim with Andrea and Evelyn. She said "swimmin in da pool" the whole way there, but would not get in the pool once we got there. She hoarded all of the kids' toys and cried whenever anyone approached her because she was afraid they would take the toys. Luckily Sadie slept most of the time so I could hold B on my lap and listen to her sniffle and cry. On Tuesday night Peter and I planned to go to a movie, but our electricity was out for a couple of hours and we didn't want Marme to have to hang out over here in the hot house.
On Wednesday we played at Krista's. B, Lauren, and Ryan play so hard and they completely destroyed Krista's house. B gets so excited when we pull up to Krista's house and says, "KISS! KISS!!!" On Wednesday night Gumbo brought B to Jama's for dinner and Marme watched Sadie Boo while P and I went to see 'The Dark Knight'--it was really, really good. It totally lived up to the hype.
This morning P took B to see Dr. Warren. She no longer has to wear her air cast. Her leg looks OK. Dr. W believes that it will straighten out more as she continues to walk on it. We hope so. I took the girls to the Children's Museum to meet Evelyn and Karen and their kiddos. B absolutely loved it. We really need to go there more often.
Sadie is such a content, laid back baby. She goes with the flow and generally sleeps or quietly observes when we are out and about. She is so sweet and sleeps well and rarely fusses. I am so thankful!
This afternoon Sadie pulled B's hair and B gently pushed her hand away and said, "No, Betsy no like it." Tonight I was in the kitchen making dinner (a veggie extravaganza that B did not like) and Sadie was in her bouncy chair. Betsy walked up to her and covered her legs with a blanket. It was so sweet--my eyes welled up with tears.
Here are a few more pics from the photo session:

On Wednesday we played at Krista's. B, Lauren, and Ryan play so hard and they completely destroyed Krista's house. B gets so excited when we pull up to Krista's house and says, "KISS! KISS!!!" On Wednesday night Gumbo brought B to Jama's for dinner and Marme watched Sadie Boo while P and I went to see 'The Dark Knight'--it was really, really good. It totally lived up to the hype.
This morning P took B to see Dr. Warren. She no longer has to wear her air cast. Her leg looks OK. Dr. W believes that it will straighten out more as she continues to walk on it. We hope so. I took the girls to the Children's Museum to meet Evelyn and Karen and their kiddos. B absolutely loved it. We really need to go there more often.
Sadie is such a content, laid back baby. She goes with the flow and generally sleeps or quietly observes when we are out and about. She is so sweet and sleeps well and rarely fusses. I am so thankful!
This afternoon Sadie pulled B's hair and B gently pushed her hand away and said, "No, Betsy no like it." Tonight I was in the kitchen making dinner (a veggie extravaganza that B did not like) and Sadie was in her bouncy chair. Betsy walked up to her and covered her legs with a blanket. It was so sweet--my eyes welled up with tears.
Here are a few more pics from the photo session:

Monday, August 11, 2008
Rainy Monday
It was so gross outside today. We managed to get out of the house to go to Music though. This was Sadie's first trip to the Parenting Center. It wasn't scary germy and she slept the whole time. B hadn't been there in a couple of months so she had fun playing with the toys and with Georgia and Josie. She was sort of fussy though. She cried whenever anyone came close to the toys she was playing with. And when we left it wasn't pretty. I parked very far away and I was about to collapse when I returned to the car carrying Betsy, Sadie in her carrier, and my gigantic purse. The rest of the day was pretty mellow. B napped for over 3 hours. Sadie talked to me and tried to roll over. I actually made dinner and blueberry muffins for B--this time she ate two of them--I guess she's not so snobby after all.
We're going to the beach in 2 weeks--yay!--and I told B about it this morning so all day she said, "beach, swimmin' in da pool, sand castles" all day and when we left the house to go to Music she looked at me and said, "beach?" I guess I'll keep quiet about the beach trip until right before we go.
Here are some pics of my girls from earlier today. B loves her baby sis.

We're going to the beach in 2 weeks--yay!--and I told B about it this morning so all day she said, "beach, swimmin' in da pool, sand castles" all day and when we left the house to go to Music she looked at me and said, "beach?" I guess I'll keep quiet about the beach trip until right before we go.
Here are some pics of my girls from earlier today. B loves her baby sis.
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Weekend Roundup
The Bourgeois family is feeling better today--yay! And Gumbo is back home--welcome back!!!On Friday morning Katie came over to visit then Attie and Lawson came over in the afternoon. B was in heaven. After Peter came home from work he and B went on a mission (this is what B calls it now whenever we go anywhere now) to find boiled crabs. Betsy loves crabs and Peter thinks she ate about 5 crabs by herself. P and I watched the Opening Ceremonies of the Olympics and we've been watching pretty much all weekend. I forgot how much of an Olympics nerd I become during the Summer Olympics. On Saturday morning Grandpa picked B up to spend the weekend in Vacherie. Momma Lady picked up Charlie so the kids got to spend a whole weekend together. They did tons of fun stuff: B saw her first movie (Space Chimps--M.L. said she was mesmerized and very good), they ate lunch at Raising Cane's, they fed the ducks in Thibodaux, they rode the new motorized Jeep, they had a pizza picnic then had a slumber party in the living room. Today they visited Grandma Agnes and had another picnic. Sounds like a wonderful weekend! B had so much fun! Peter and I went to lunch at Sake Cafe; it was so weird just having Sadie with us. Then we went to see Peter A's house on Washington that he's been renovating--he has done an excellent job. Later in the afternoon I helped Katie A. and Erin O. register at Babies R Us. I was exhausted afterwards and not feeling so hot. Little Sadie was congested too so Peter went to his end of summer work party solo. Sadie and I watched Olympic swimming and went to bed early. It was so quiet around here with Betsy gone.
This morning my sisters, Mom, Dad, and I went to a mass at St. Catherine in honor of our friend, Tara Stoulig Monistere, who was recently diagnosed with breast cancer. She is such a beautiful, smart, kind, hilarious, wonderful woman/wife/daughter/sister/friend, and the doting mother of a precious one year old girl, Lee Catherine. After mass we went to Miss Deanie's house and visited with the Stoulig clan. It was so great to see them and giggle with the Stoulig sisters about old times. They are all in such good spirits and Tara's strength is truly admirable. Please keep Tara and her family in your prayers. We have no doubt that she will do great!!!
B arrived home this afternoon. We missed our little girl! Gumbo picked her up and took her to Bee's then to Camp Pleasant to swim. B had such an action packed weekend. She is sound asleep and P and I are watching the Olympics while Sadie lies on her playmat cooing away.
Here are some of the photos from our photo session with Sam Scheel Smith of Sweet Light Studios. We decided to buy the DVD of the photos, because they turned out so cute. So, we have Sam's permission to post these!
***I've tried to upload these pics three times and I can't do it. My computer is acting crazy. I'll try again tomorrow.
This morning my sisters, Mom, Dad, and I went to a mass at St. Catherine in honor of our friend, Tara Stoulig Monistere, who was recently diagnosed with breast cancer. She is such a beautiful, smart, kind, hilarious, wonderful woman/wife/daughter/sister/friend, and the doting mother of a precious one year old girl, Lee Catherine. After mass we went to Miss Deanie's house and visited with the Stoulig clan. It was so great to see them and giggle with the Stoulig sisters about old times. They are all in such good spirits and Tara's strength is truly admirable. Please keep Tara and her family in your prayers. We have no doubt that she will do great!!!
B arrived home this afternoon. We missed our little girl! Gumbo picked her up and took her to Bee's then to Camp Pleasant to swim. B had such an action packed weekend. She is sound asleep and P and I are watching the Olympics while Sadie lies on her playmat cooing away.
Here are some of the photos from our photo session with Sam Scheel Smith of Sweet Light Studios. We decided to buy the DVD of the photos, because they turned out so cute. So, we have Sam's permission to post these!
***I've tried to upload these pics three times and I can't do it. My computer is acting crazy. I'll try again tomorrow.
Friday, August 8, 2008
Well, this week has been a pretty big bummer. We have all been stuck in the house sick. The girls seem better today. I went to the doctor on Wed. and I was prescribed some antibiotics so I'm feeling better too. Cross your fingers for us--the cabin fever is killing us!!!
Yesterday as I was carrying B down the hall to her room for naptime she said, "Time for da nap. Betsy love da nap." I thought we had really turned a corner, because she usually fusses for a couple of minutes when I put her down. Well, she napped for about 30 minutes then I could hear her talking for the next hour and a half on and off. Guess Betsy didn't love da nap today.
Sadie is getting more head control and arm control. She likes to hold one of her arms up in a fist--I remember Lawson doing this a while back.
Here are some pics comparing the two girls at 3 months--do y'all think they look alike? When Sadie makes certain faces she reminds me of B as a baby, but it doesn't really transalate in photographs.


Yesterday as I was carrying B down the hall to her room for naptime she said, "Time for da nap. Betsy love da nap." I thought we had really turned a corner, because she usually fusses for a couple of minutes when I put her down. Well, she napped for about 30 minutes then I could hear her talking for the next hour and a half on and off. Guess Betsy didn't love da nap today.
Sadie is getting more head control and arm control. She likes to hold one of her arms up in a fist--I remember Lawson doing this a while back.
Here are some pics comparing the two girls at 3 months--do y'all think they look alike? When Sadie makes certain faces she reminds me of B as a baby, but it doesn't really transalate in photographs.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Sadie is 3 Months Old!
I can't believe our little baby is already 3 months old. She is smiling and kicking and moving her arms and laughing and cooing--she is very busy. The last couple of days have been rough. The girls and I have been stuck inside and generally feel lousy. Yesterday Attie and Lawson stopped by and Attie surprised B with her own cake--nearly 2 months before her birthday. Betsy loves cakes and candles and talks about them constantly; when Attie arrived she was actually pouting because I wouldn't let her have a box of birthday candles. She was so excited about getting her own cake and as soon as she saw it she said, "Cake. Mommy cut. Mommy get knife." We put a candle on her cake and she blew it out and chowed down on her cake. Thanks, Attie! After she finished her piece of cake she said, "More, more cake, more icing." She still uses the baby sign for more when she wants more--it was the only baby sign we taught her. I guess the sign comes in handy when her mouth is full. B got very upset when she wasn't given a second pre-dinner piece of cake, but she eventually got over it.

Sunday, August 3, 2008
Weekend Roundup
OK, this is getting ridiculous. All of the Bourgeois girls are sick and Peter still has the scary cough. I went to bed on Friday with a bad sore throat and Sadie woke up at 4am coughing and congested. Yesterday B started sneezing and her runny nose returned. We went to see Uncle Tommy yesterday and it seems like we all just have colds. Sadie sounds so pathetic when she coughs--my poor little boo. I'm hoping our cycle of sickness ends soon.
Last Wednesday Betsy tried lots of new things at Kiss's house--popcorn, doughnut holes, and a Happy Meal. She was in heaven. On Thursday we went to Jane's house for playgroup. B was so excited that Georgia was back--yay! On Thursday night we went to Vacherie for a barbeque for Michael and Uncle Mark. B and Charlie ran around holding hands the whole time we were there--too cute. On Friday Sam watched the girls for the morning. When I asked Betsy what she did she said, "eat pretzels, eat milk, see Lawsy, see Sam, read books." Sounds like fun to me! Yesterday after our appointment with Tommy we went to the PJ's across the street with the Carvilles--they had an appointment for Lawson's 4 month checkup (incidentally, Sadie weighed 12 lbs, 12 oz--9 oz more than Lawson!). In the afternoon P took B to the Hong Kong Market and they feasted on Chinese beef jerky and saw lots of interesting things. B asked me for bread yesterday and didn't want sliced bread--she wanted Gumbo bread. Gumbo is in Uruguay till next weekend--we miss you!!! This morning the Stones came over to meet Sadie. Today is Neila's bday--Happy Birthday!!! Later on I did a couple of errands with Marme and Attie and P played tennis with Beau. B and I played with Play Doh for a long time this afternoon--that is her favorite thing right now.
Sadie rolled onto her side yesterday and almost completely rolled over. Such a big girl!
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