Peter's birthday was this past Saturday. Happy Birthday!!!! We celebrated by going to dinner at Mila. It was absolutely delicious, and we had a great time. Thanks to Marme and Tim for watching the girls.
Last Friday we had B's Thanksgiving Feast at school. The children were precious in their Native American headdresses and face paint. They ate yummy food and sat at big kid tables.
Yesterday B woke up with a bad cold, but she seems to be feeling better today. Thank goodness I taped the Grinch last week, because it instantly cheers B up. B is fascinated with all things Christmas, and wants to hear Christmas music and read Christmas books all the time.
Today Momma Lady watched the girls while I did some errands--thanks so much!!
Sadie is now eating rice cereal, sweet potatoes, carrots (the only thing she doesn't really like), peas, and squash. She had pears tonight for the first time. S is giggling all of the time and is sitting up for several minutes at a time. She says, "bahbahbahbah" a lot, but no 'mama' or 'dada' yet.
What B's been saying:
--Leave Betsy alone--You drivin me crazy
--If I speak sternly to B she tells me, "No, Mommy, say it sweet" or "don't fuss, Mommy."--When Peter got home tonight she said, "So good to see you!"
--I asked her if she wanted to help me make cupcakes last weekend and she said, "No, Mommy, I'm watching Sadie." She was showing her a book called 'Tickle the Pig', and kept telling her to feel the pages.
Pics later...
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Week/Weekend Roundup
Last week we played with Kiss and her kiddos, hit the mall, and B did lots of singing. She sings all of the time. On Friday night Marme spent the night, because P went hunting with Gumbo. We made pizza and sugar cookies and had a grand ole time. On Saturday Grandpa picked B up and took her to Vacherie. She had a blast spending time with everyone including her pal Charlie. She went to a book reading and to see Madagascar 2. Betsy sings the song from the movie constantly. P and I hung out with Sadie Boo; she had so much attention she didn't know what to do with herself. We did some Christmas shopping and ate a yummy lunch. On Sunday Peter and I did some serious closet organizing. I have a huge list of projects to do, and I'm finally starting to do them. It's just kind of hard when both kids are home. Last night we went to Marme's for dinner. Peter A. made an awesome vegetable soup that Katie brought. Today we went to Uncle Tommy's office for S's 6 month checkup. She is 15 lbs, 14 in. and 25 in. long. She is at around the 50th percentile for everything. She was so pitiful when she had her shots, but she quickly stopped crying. We met Kiss, L, and R at Clearview and had muffins, got Princess balloons at the Dollar Store, quickly ran through Target then stopped to see Santa Claus. All of the kids seemed to love him, but we'll see when we take them to have their pictures taken. Tonight I have been organizing the girls' drawers and putting away mounds of clothes while B went to dinner at Jama and Pa's. I still have piles of laundry to do. I can't keep up with it. This week is B's Thanksgiving Feast at school--can't wait!
Some pics of Sadie from the weekend:
Monday, November 10, 2008
Weekend Roundup
The girls are still fighting these darn colds and it's getting really old for all of us! Today they both seemed to be doing better, but over the weekend they were feeling pretty yucky. We stayed in on Friday. On Friday night we made tacos and Peter played a couple of Styx songs for B and she danced like a maniac. She now asks for "The Robot Song" several times a day. On Saturday I ran errands, and P stayed in with the sickies. We went to Katie's for the end of the LSU game--what a heartbreaker. On Sunday morning we had breakfast at Betsy's Pancake House. Sadie slept through most of it, but B enjoyed herself. After breakfast we brought the girls to the Park near the house. The girls were so happy to be out of the house! And Sadie got in a swing for the first time. Sadie and I met Attie and Lawson in the Park for walk this morning, but we skipped Music again because of Sadie's cold. She was doing a lot better tonight so hopefully we'll be done with this stuff soon. Marme, Katie, Attie, and Lawsy came over for dinner. I made black beans and cornbread. The girls were all very good and Betsy and Sadie conked out before 8. Yay!
Sadie is almost sitting up by herself. She'll sit for a couple of minutes, but then she topples.
Betsy stepped on my foot then said, "Sorry, Jen." She said it again today. The only time she calls me Jen is when she's apologizing.
Sadie loves to snuggle and hug and grabs my face all the time and pulls it to her.
Yesterday B begged us to go to PJ's then today she told me she wanted to go to Walgreens. My boo has a mind of her own for sure. She wants to wear certain clothes that don't match and bows that don't match and shoes that are too small. Scarlet, you said these days were coming...
After we do something B says, "Had fun ____." No matter what it was she says it and sometimes what we have done is not fun at all.
If Peter or I tell Betsy to stop doing something, she'll say, "No, my dancing" or singing or running instead of "I'm dancing," etc.

Sadie is almost sitting up by herself. She'll sit for a couple of minutes, but then she topples.
Betsy stepped on my foot then said, "Sorry, Jen." She said it again today. The only time she calls me Jen is when she's apologizing.
Sadie loves to snuggle and hug and grabs my face all the time and pulls it to her.
Yesterday B begged us to go to PJ's then today she told me she wanted to go to Walgreens. My boo has a mind of her own for sure. She wants to wear certain clothes that don't match and bows that don't match and shoes that are too small. Scarlet, you said these days were coming...
After we do something B says, "Had fun ____." No matter what it was she says it and sometimes what we have done is not fun at all.
If Peter or I tell Betsy to stop doing something, she'll say, "No, my dancing" or singing or running instead of "I'm dancing," etc.
This afternoon Betsy asked me to put on Radiohead. I told her that she would probably like Sufjan Stevens' music, but she said, "No, Betsy like Radiohead. Betsy want Radiohead." I've created a monster.

Thursday, November 6, 2008
Sadie is Six Months Old!
I can't believe our Sadie Boo is six months old today. She is such a loving, happy, beautiful baby. Tonight Marme, Momma Lady, Grandpaw, Katie, Petey, and the Carvilles came over for pizza and yummy Joan Farrell cookies. Sadie had so much fun seeing everyone.
We've had a great week--walking in the Park with Attie, Lawsy, Tara, and Lee Catherine; playing at Kiss's house; eating dinner at Katie's. The girls went with me to vote on Tuesday. Betsy keeps talking about it and saying, "Betsy went to vote. Betsy had fun voting." I think she had fun because we ran into Julie and B got to walk and hold her hand. Today we went to playgroup for the first time in a while; Betsy's naps have made it hard to go. B had a blast today with her pals. We actually had all 7 kiddos there and a bunch of the second generation too.
Betsy tells me everyday that I look pretty or beautiful. It makes me feel so good. She's also talking about getting married. She keeps saying, "Betsy get married one day." I asked her who she wanted to marry and she said, "Kiss"--that's Krista. B is loving satsumas and Gumbo has brought her a bunch of them. Betsy has also started to say, "Stop it, Mommy" when I sing. Ouch. B is really into Radiohead these days and likes to dance in the living room and listen to them. Yay! As soon as I pick B up
Betsy is in Nola Baby this month on the Table of Contents page and page 35. Check it out: And she's in an OE ad in WISH magazine, part of the Times Pic:
We've had a great week--walking in the Park with Attie, Lawsy, Tara, and Lee Catherine; playing at Kiss's house; eating dinner at Katie's. The girls went with me to vote on Tuesday. Betsy keeps talking about it and saying, "Betsy went to vote. Betsy had fun voting." I think she had fun because we ran into Julie and B got to walk and hold her hand. Today we went to playgroup for the first time in a while; Betsy's naps have made it hard to go. B had a blast today with her pals. We actually had all 7 kiddos there and a bunch of the second generation too.
Betsy tells me everyday that I look pretty or beautiful. It makes me feel so good. She's also talking about getting married. She keeps saying, "Betsy get married one day." I asked her who she wanted to marry and she said, "Kiss"--that's Krista. B is loving satsumas and Gumbo has brought her a bunch of them. Betsy has also started to say, "Stop it, Mommy" when I sing. Ouch. B is really into Radiohead these days and likes to dance in the living room and listen to them. Yay! As soon as I pick B up
Betsy is in Nola Baby this month on the Table of Contents page and page 35. Check it out: And she's in an OE ad in WISH magazine, part of the Times Pic:
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Weekend Roundup
This weekend was action packed. On Friday night we went to Attie and Beau's for vegetable soup and trick or treating. B was a ballerina again and the babies were strawberries. We had fun with the Carvilles, Marme, Gumbo, Bee, Katie, and Petey (that's what Betsy calls him). B loved trick or treating and sat in the stroller so she could eat candy between houses. After every house she would say, "Go home now?" Then we'd tell her there were more houses and she would get so excited. Sadie fell asleep on the way to Attie's and slept through most of the trick or treating, but when she woke up she was happy to see everyone and smiled the whole time.
On Saturday morning I saw in the paper that Tim Gunn, host of Project Runaway, was hosting a fashion show at the new Macy's at Lakeside. My sisters and I are huge fans. I reserved seats for us then made plans with the sisters. Tim Gunn was so funny, sweet, and smart. He hosted the fashion show then held a question and answer session. He was so down to earth and the girls and I thoroughly enjoyed it. We stood up and applauded after he was done (and were the only ones) so we got a "thank you" from TG. Then, as he was leaving the stage area I told him, "Thank you so much for coming" and he said, "Thank you so much for coming." Attie got a shot of him saying it to me.--see below. I took tons of pics. The girls and I had our picture taken with him and we gushed about how we are huge fans, and then he told us we were "stunning." Not trying to sound conceited, but that's what the man said! Last night P and I left the girls with a new sitter and went to dinner at Martinique. We got engaged there in the courtyard and we hadn't been back since that night. The food was delicious and we had a great time even though we got a call during dinner that B had fallen and cut her head, but she ended up being fine. When we got home Sadie was crying--she has a bad cold and is really congested. I'm sure the sitter will never come again after having such a nightmarish night! P and I took turns with Sadie last night, because she felt so awful and couldn't sleep.
Today we hung around the house, because we were completely exhausted. It was nice to just be at home with our little fam. Sadie tried sweet potatoes tonight and really enjoyed it. B gave me a sticker earlier and I stuck it on her leg near her scar and she said, "No, Mommy, don't put the sticker on my bobo. That's not very nice. Put it right here." Then she put it in her sticker book. She told me! Sadie is starting to sit up for a minute or two at a time. She's growing up so fast--she'll be 6 months old on Thursday. Wow!

On Saturday morning I saw in the paper that Tim Gunn, host of Project Runaway, was hosting a fashion show at the new Macy's at Lakeside. My sisters and I are huge fans. I reserved seats for us then made plans with the sisters. Tim Gunn was so funny, sweet, and smart. He hosted the fashion show then held a question and answer session. He was so down to earth and the girls and I thoroughly enjoyed it. We stood up and applauded after he was done (and were the only ones) so we got a "thank you" from TG. Then, as he was leaving the stage area I told him, "Thank you so much for coming" and he said, "Thank you so much for coming." Attie got a shot of him saying it to me.--see below. I took tons of pics. The girls and I had our picture taken with him and we gushed about how we are huge fans, and then he told us we were "stunning." Not trying to sound conceited, but that's what the man said! Last night P and I left the girls with a new sitter and went to dinner at Martinique. We got engaged there in the courtyard and we hadn't been back since that night. The food was delicious and we had a great time even though we got a call during dinner that B had fallen and cut her head, but she ended up being fine. When we got home Sadie was crying--she has a bad cold and is really congested. I'm sure the sitter will never come again after having such a nightmarish night! P and I took turns with Sadie last night, because she felt so awful and couldn't sleep.
Today we hung around the house, because we were completely exhausted. It was nice to just be at home with our little fam. Sadie tried sweet potatoes tonight and really enjoyed it. B gave me a sticker earlier and I stuck it on her leg near her scar and she said, "No, Mommy, don't put the sticker on my bobo. That's not very nice. Put it right here." Then she put it in her sticker book. She told me! Sadie is starting to sit up for a minute or two at a time. She's growing up so fast--she'll be 6 months old on Thursday. Wow!
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