This Christmas was amazing. Both of the girls were so excited for the whole two weeks of holiday fun. I was so glad that I was able to spend time with my girls--9 days in a row off from work--yay!
On Christmas Eve we went to Vacherie. Momma Lady and Grandpa made a wonderful lunch--gumbo and chestnut soup (sooo good). When the Nichols family arrived, the kids made ice cream snowmen and opened their stockings and presents. They received lots of wonderful gifts. Afterwards we went to Grandma's house for her annual Christmas Eve party. We were even treated to a visit from Santa Claus! The girls had fun playing with all of their cousins.
On Christmas morning the girls were so adorable. They were so excited about their dollhouse. They weren't as excited about their bouncing horse--B warmed up to it, but Sadie still won't ride it. We went to Marme's for a delicious breakfast and more presents. Then we headed home for a quick change then off to Jama and Pa's for Christmas Day. We had a great time with the family. After our day we stopped at home to change into pajamas then to dinner at Marme's. Our Christmas Day is always super busy, but I wouldn't have it any other way.
The one thing missing from Christmas was the Carville family. Lawson had a high fever so the Carvilles had to miss all of the Christmas activities. We were so sad, but we recreated Christmas morning on the Sunday after Christmas--breakfast at Marme's, everyone in their pajamas, and presents.
Peter and I had to work last week so the girls spent a few days in Vacherie. Thanks so much, Momma Lady and Grandpa for taking care of them! They saw 'The Princess and the Frog' and had a ball.
This past weekend was mellow--lots of de-Christmasing and finding places for new toys. Back to work tomorrow!
I am hopefully wrapping up a two week cough/sore throat illness. I'm so over it, and I know Peter is too.
Happy Birthday, Grandpa and Happy Anniversary, Bridget and Brian!