Here's what else they are saying/doing:
--let me tell you something, let me tell you a secret--then she will whisper
--the other day she said, "Hey, are we best friends or what, girl?" in a crazy voice then she asked Peter, "You want a Coke, boy? How 'bout a Diet Coke?" she asks us stuff then ends with BOYEEEE or GIRL. Where does she get this stuff?
--she says lots of corny one liners--guess there was nothing to be scared of after all/it's only water/maybe nothing is scary (shower), I guess I'm just silly
--she is exactly like me as a kid--loves singing, dancing, putting on shows, bossing other kids around, and she's very imaginative
--it's okay, it was a mistake,silly me!
--can Jesus hear you when you talk to the sky?
--she dramatically said, "I am just boring and the worst little kid ever" then she sighed
--B was playing doctor with the little girls and she said, "Wait, I need to get my telescope."
--B is terrified of us going to heaven before she does and leaving her on earth. She is very anxious about it. She is also scared of going to heaven before us. She became so distraught about it recently that I had to tell her that we would all go at the same time.
--She asked me if Jesus ever got mad at her when she was bad and when I told her that he didn't she then asked why I got mad at her when she was bad.
--she parrots everything that B says
--she loves cocayit
--she prononunces her Ls like Ys--yawson/yots/yove you, I don't yike coffee, I yike cockayit milk
--I need gapes in my mouf
--If anyone says they are taking her bellybutton or her nose she acts like she's grabbing it back then she puts it in her mouth and pretends like she is eating it
--I ask the girls if they want to eat their bananas cut up or like a monkey (whole). I asked S the other day if she wanted me to cut up her muffin and she said, "No, I want to eat it like a monkey."