We did a bunch of things over the weekend. On Saturday morning we met the Carville family at PJ's on Camp then we headed over to the Farmer's Market. I bought lots of veggies to make gazpacho. After B's nap we had lunch at Hana (we always go to Kyoto first then realize it's closed for lunch on the weekends--weird) then headed to Metairie to do errands. We went to Toys R Us and Betsy threw a fit in the store when we wouldn't let her open crayons and wouldn't let her take home a gigantic keyboard. I guess it was payback for all of the times I would see kids having fits and wonder what was wrong with their parents. Oops. On Sunday morning we met the Carvilles at Riccobono's for breakfast--it was yummy. In the afternoon we went to Jama and Pa's house to celebrate Kathy and Bobby's birthdays. B was really excited about the cake and the candles. Peter, B, and I still have these crazy coughs, but hopefully we'll all be totally better soon.
Yesterday I brought Sadie to Sam and B and I went to do errands. Betsy cried almost the whole time. She wanted everything in every store, and either wanted to leave the store or stay there after we were done checking out. It was tough and everyone stared at us. Nothing would make her happy. I'm not sure if she is feeling bad because of her leg or her perpetual cough or if this is the terrible twos. Today we hung out at home, because it was raining. B was in a pretty bad mood today too. Below is a pic of her with her Play Doh. She was having a blast and decided the straws I gave her were candles and she made cakes and blew out the candles and was smiling. By the time I got the camera (2 seconds later) she was crying and mad at me. Oy. This afternoon Marme came over to visit then Katie brought B to Jama and Pa's for dinner.
On Saturday night Sadie starting sleeping in her crib and so far, so good.
B has been saying lots of funny things and speaking in sentences a lot. Here are examples:
--B asks me to kiss her bobos
--she says everything hurts
--the other day when she was eating she pushed me away from her highchair and said, "move, Mommy"
--she called me "Mom" instead of Mommy a few times today--Neila, you can relate to this
--when she plays her toys talk to each other and kiss
--she counts and says parts of the alphabet to herself when she thinks I'm not listening
--I put away her Play-Doh today and she said, "Mommy take it away, the Play Doh" after I did it
--if we're in the living room and she wants to play with her Little People zoo in her room she says, "Mommy, get Sadie, play animals."
--I put on B's nursery rhyme CD yesterday--she has always loved it--and when each song would start she would smile then dance for a second then say, "Betsy no like da song."
--she wants a pink cup and pink spoon or fork with every meal and we only have 2 pink cups, 2 pink spoons, and 2 pink forks so she usually doesn't get all 3 at the same time. Today I thought she'd be psyched at breakfast because I had a pink cup and a pink spoon for her. She said "pink cup, pink spoon" and when I brought both to her she said "blue cup, blue spoon." Aaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!
--she answers every question with "no."
--when she makes a mess she says, "Betsy make a mess."
--when she doesn't like something she has started to say, "Betsy like it da ________. Uh uh."
I don't know if I've ever blogged about B's bedtime ritual. Peter says, "Betsy, want to sleep on the floor?" Betsy says, "Bye, Mommy" and goes with him then they lie on the floor on her Cinderella pillow and hug and count and say ABCs and talk. Then she either tells him that she wants to get in bed or Peter just puts her in bed when she gets really sleepy.
And Sadie is talking away right now to Peter and she can hold up her head for a while and stands while I hold her. Our little Sadie Boo is 12 weeks old today and is cooing and smiling like crazy.
Pics from today:
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