On Saturday we had Sadie's party at the Children's Museum. Everything went so well, and everyone had a good time. Sadie had fun and loved eating her cake. Momma Lady and Grandpa brought the most incredible cake I have ever seen. Thanks a bunch! And thanks to our families for their help--I was not stressed out and got to chat with everyone and enjoy the party. Last night we went to Lakeview Harbor with the Carvilles for dinner. I love that place--from the honey dawlin waitresses to the delicious blue cheese dressing.
I had an awesome Mother's Day. I slept till 9 then Peter picked up PJ's and I had iced coffee and leftover birthday cake for breakfast--yum! Peter and the girls gave me sweet cards and a gift certificate to Life Boutique--I can't wait to use it. I went to lunch and shopping with Marme, Attie, and Katie. I found cute bedrails for B when she moves to her big girl bed. I'm thinking that day may come soon because the other day she had her leg propped up on the side of her crib and she looked like she was about to climb out. It was a great day and now my crew is asleep. I'm going to head to bed soon.
--B told me tonight "Mommy, you're not a child. I'm a child."
--When B got behind the wheel of Sadie's new pink car she said, "Come ON, people. Just let me GO!" Um, I wonder where she got that from...
--Sadie loves "Twinkle, Twinkle" and does "twinkle fingers" when B and I sing it.
--We were watching videos of when S was a tiny baby and B kept trying to talk to me in the videos and she was answering the questions that I was asking on the videos. She thought it was the coolest thing ever.
--B has been telling P and I that she loves us a lot lately. So sweet.

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