Betsy is 3 going on 13. Seriously. Lately, when talks she puts one hand on her hip. The other day she asked me if I was wearing a Bumpit. How does she know what a Bumpit is??? When I ask her to repeat something she repeats it very slowly and deliberately with a hint of sass. She is constantly singing songs from school and making up new songs. After being potty trained for a while then having a bad couple of weeks she is now completely and fully potty trained. It's been about a month. I am ecstatic. She loves the creepy movie "Coraline." I think it's scary, but it doesn't scare her at all. I guess that's because she doesn't get the really scary parts. B loves to draw and color and paint, and she's really good at all three of those things.
Sadie follows Betsy around and imitates everything that she does. She likes to grab my hand and say "up" then bring me to wherever she wants me to go. When I ask her to do anything she says, "OK!" She has excellent manners; she is a pleasin' and thank youin' machine. Her hair is very blond and very curly in the back. She is sort of rockin' a mullet so she has her first appointment with Charlotte next week. She calls milk "wada" (water), but if you give her water she'll say, "no, mook" (milk). Betsy is teaching Sadie her colors, and when you ask her her favorite color she says "PEEK!" (pink). Sadie says, "I big girl" a lot. She wants to wear "a big dress" and use "a big brush" and drink from "a big cup." Well, yeah, you get it. She doesn't want a booster seat anymore, which is no fun because she can't see her plate because she's so low. She loves diaper "keem" just like Betsy did at that age. She likes to sit on the potty and get "paypa" then "wash hands." She still loves her belly button and touches it when she falls asleep. Sadie still has no interest in TV [sigh]. It's not that I want her to be addicted, but it would be nice to be able to fix dinner while she watches a cartoon. Betsy loves her some TV. Sadie points at her teacher in her class picture that is posted on the fridge and says "Borah" (her name is Deborah and Sadie's last day in her class was last Wednesday). Sadie's last day at her current school is May 28. Then she starts camp with Betsy and Lawson. Sadie says "holdja" which means that she wants me or Peter or whomever to hold her. Betsy used to say the same thing. She is starting to want a bow in her hair, and she always talks about "poteytails," but if I do a ponytail she takes it out.
So that's what they are up to in a nutshell. I'm sure I'm leaving a lot of adorable things out though.
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