Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Sadie's Party #4 at the Carousel

Sadie's 4th and final birthday party took place at the City Park Carousel. Although B's third birthday at the Carousel was a bummer since she couldn't be there, we tried a party there again. Luckily Sadie was healthy, the weather was beautiful, and we had a great turn out. The cake was amazing as usual and the carousel horse cookies were perfect (thank you, Momma Lady and Grandpa!). Sadie was all about Peter A and wanted him to hold her the whole time. When I picked her up and brought her to the cake table she may have said to me, "I don't want you." But I know I am not nearly as much fun as Uncle Peter! :) She blew out the candles and loved her cake and she loved seeing her family and friends. It was a great party!

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