Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Sadie is 3 Weeks Old!

Well, yesterday I had some help from my sisters so I wasn't alone. They entertained both girls and me. When Attie and then Katie came over she grabbed their hands and led them to Sadie's bassinet to show them her sister and said "Sadie!!!" She looks for Sadie any time she doesn't see her. Last night Betsy went to Jama and Pa's and I cooked for the first time since Sadie was born--my delicious Cooking Light fettucine alfredo--yum. Today Sam came over and Betsy and I ventured out to Target and Clearview Mall. Since Betsy is obsessed with Cinderella I bought her a Cinderella balloon and stickers. B had fun spending some alone time with Mommy. When we got home B went to sleep for nearly 3 hours and Sam played with Sadie while I attempted to nap; I think I slept for about 15 minutes, but I did veg out on the sofa downstairs for a while. Sam bathed both girls before she left and I was able to make a pasta salad for dinner. B is eating right now and Sadie is starting to fuss. I'll post pics later.

Betsy's latest sentences:

--Play animals--this means she wants me or anyone else to play with her Little People Zoo in her room
--While I nurse Sadie Betsy has said, "Mommy feed Sadie" and today she said "Sadie eat milk" and when I pump a bottle she says "Sadie milk."
--Any time Sadie makes a noise B says "Sadie crying (sounds like kying) wah wah wah"
--Gumbo brought her a baguette from La Boulangerie this morning and after he left she was eating it and said, "Gumbo love bread." Ain't that the truth!

It's 6pm, but Blogger says that it's not and won't let me post this right now so I'm going to say it's earlier...


Scarlet said...

I wish Gumbo would send me some bread from the Boulangerie!!!!

Anonymous said...

Love the blog! Going to put link of it on my blog. Glad the fog is clearing!!!!