Friday morning was so crazy. First of all Sadie was up from about 4 till almost 7. Then as soon as she fell asleep Betsy woke up. When I went to nurse Sadie Betsy got very upset as usual and then she disappeared. She reappeared a few minutes later with wet hands and wet pajamas. I assumed she was playing with her tub toys that sometimes have water in them. Gumbo stopped by to visit and let me know that the bathroom floor was wet and there was water all around the toilet and the toilet seat was wet. Apparently my little boo was playing in the toilet. And Sadie has discovered the ability to cry--a lot. Before this weekend she hadn't really cried much at all. Attie, Lawson, and Katie came by on Friday morning and stayed until Betsy went down for her nap.
On Saturday Peter was still painting the apartment--he painted Wednesday night, Thursday night, and Friday night. Beau came over to help him and Attie and Lawson came over to visit. Katie A. and Laurie came by to see Sadie and have lunch. It was so good to visit with them. Laurie's restaurant, Iris, is moving to the Quarter this fall and will be able to seat double the amount of people it currently seats. If you haven't eaten there before you really should try it--it's so delicious. ( In the afternoon Katie and Peter A. took Betsy to Peter A.'s niece's and nephew's first birthday party. Betsy ate spaghetti and cake and ice cream, and went swimming. She had a ball. Attie and Lawson hung out with Sadie and me while Peter and Beau went to play golf. On Saturday night I finally got to watch the Lost season finale--so good.
Yesterday I went to see 'Sex and the City' with Attie, Katie, and Peter A. I had some problems with it, but overall I liked it. Peter and I can't wait until Sadie can go out in public places; I think we're going to attempt the Zoo or the Park next weekend.
This morning Attie took a ride with me to Uncle Tommy's office for Sadie's second appointment. She now weighs 8 lbs, 8 oz and is 20 1/4 inches long. She's gained nearly 2 pounds in 2 weeks!!! Her appointment went well. Attie and Betsy went to the PJ's across the street from the office and had breakfast. Today has been sort of rough; both girls tend to get fussy at the same time and keeping this house tidy is nearly impossible.
Some pics from the birthday party:

More pics later--I promise...
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