Betsy is still chatting away and asks me to do things like "Mommy, color Mickey Mouse's shoes yellow." She's very specific. She also talks about chocolate alot and is still saying "nope" constantly. Last night she was very eager to go to Jama's with Gumbo and stood by the door saying "ready to go! ready to go!" She picks out the same books for me to read her every day and says the name of the books and anticipates what will happen on each page. She is starting to randomly say strings of letters like "l,m,n,o,p" and "q,r,s,t,u,v." She likes to sit on Peter's back and say "giddyup." She likes to drop her toys from her highchair and say, "uh oh, cinderella fall down." She always tells me that she loves things like pizza and stickers (stickies). She's such a big girl.
I wanted to make a couple of notes to compare Sadie with Betsy when Betsy was 4 weeks old. Sadie weighs 8 lb, 8 oz. and B weighed 7 lb, 4 oz. Sadie seem so little, but she is not nearly as little as B was.
Here's Sadie at 4 weeks:
Here's Betsy at 4 weeks:

Here's Sadie at the hospital (about 10 hours old):
And here's Betsy (one day old):

Some days I think they look so much alike and other days I think they look totally different. In these pics I guess they look nothing alike. I'll have to do more pic reviewing to find ones where they look more alike, but I'm going to try to nap until Sadie wakes up.
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