Sunday, October 5, 2008

Weekend (and Week) Roundup

This week flew by. B still loves school and sings her school songs and talks about school all of the time. B and S still have colds--I really hope they go away soon. Last week Sadie and I walked in the Park on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday after bringing B to school. S sort of likes it. She fusses for a bit while we walk then passes out. On Thursday we met Andrea and her kiddos at Barnes. B loved it. In the afternoon we went to Will P's birthday party. At first B was scared of the spacewalk, but she warmed up to it. On Friday night Katie and I went to a fundraiser for Tara M at Fat Harry's then we went to eat dinner at Nacho Mama's. Tara looks great and $16,000 was raised for her medical bills--awesome! On Saturday morning we went to see Uncle Tommy for B's 2 year checkup. The Carvilles had an appointment for Lawson so we met up at the PJ's across from his office for breakfast. We ran to Clearview and bought B some new shoes for school then showed B all of the Halloween decorations at Target. In the afternoon we went to a baby shower for Katie C. When we left B said, "Betsy had fun at da party." Today P went to play tennis and Attie and Lawson came by. Poor Lawsy has a cold too. I went shopping this afternoon with Marme and Katie. I bought B's costume--she'll either be a ballerina or a fairy. Sadie and Lawson are going to be strawberries.

Sadie is rolling all around and laughing up a storm. B makes lots of observations--like tonight when she told Peter, "the water in the toilet goes round and round in a circle."

Friday was Attie's last day of work--woo hoo!!!

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