I really can't seem to find the time to blog anymore. Sadie is now really on the move and trying to pull herself up on everything, especially very unstable things like the glider and her exersaucer. Last week we had beignets with Jack, had Molly and her mommy and brother over to play, and played with Lawsy. Last Friday night the girls spent the night with Marme. Thanks so much! We went to Patois with Andrea and Mark. We had a blast and the food was so good. We slept till 8 or so on Saturday then vegged out and played Guitar Hero instead of doing the many projects we intended to do. The girls came home at noon and we were still in our pajamas. Peter went hunting with Gumbo Saturday, and came home on Sunday afternoon. Saturday night we went to Houston's with Katie and Peter A. I went to see Baby James and Jules on Sunday; he is still adorable.
This week Katie A and baby Jonah came to visit on Monday and the Saunders crew came over on Tuesday. On Monday we went to Wild Lotus for a toddler yoga class with a bunch of B's playgroup pals. B was really into it and was very serious the whole time. Yesterday Sadie and I made a Target run with the Carville girls while B was at school. I think we'll be able to walk again on Friday; it's just been too cold the last couple of weeks. Attie and Lawsy came by this morning to visit and S is down for a nap. Attie and I are getting excited about Mardi Gras and have started making our Mardi Gras plans.
--She is very nosy. She is always asking everyone--'What you doin?' and 'What you eatin?' and when I get off the phone she says, 'Who dat was?'
--Attie and Katie have taught her to say, "Throw me something mister!" and to sing 'Mardi Gras Mambo.'
--I guess I say 'Remember this?' to B a lot because lately she picks up various toys and says, "Nemba dis, Mommy?"
--I was washing my face with my Clarisonic from ML and Grandpa and B said, "Oh, dat's a face scrubba. It makes your face nice and clean."
--B likes to eat the same lunch everyday, and it doesn't seem very appealing to me. She always requests "a lotta turkey hot dogs, a lotta pretzels, a lotta grapes, and milk."
--She's a crawling champ.
--She shakes her head no.
--She has tried more table food--baked potato, pasta
--Sadie loves grabbing the laptop when I'm using it and pulling herself up and smiling. She cracks herself up
Pics from yoga: