We spent the rest of the weekend hanging out and getting our study in order. This room was a catch all for junk, and now it is clean and organized--yay! On Saturday B spent the night at Gumbo's house--they went to dinner at Crazy Johnnie's, shopped at Walmart, fed the ducks,watched "Mickey & the Beanstalk," ate breakfast at I-Hop, and B learned to cast her first fishing pole (a Disney Princess one). They had quite a weekend--thank you, Gumbo! Sadie got some extra special attention, which she loved. On Saturday night Attie and I went to Tara's birthday night at w.i.n.o. and Rock N Sake. We had a blast--Happy Birthday, T! On Sunday we had planned to go to the festivals in the Quarter, but it was waaaaay too hot.
We just got back from dinner at Jama and Pa's. Tommy made chili--the girls loved it! This morning Sadie and I went to the Farmer's Market. Everything looked delicious; we bought blueberries, peaches, heirloom tomatoes (so yummy--B ate 4 mini tomatoes at lunch), cucumbers, bell peppers, baby eggplants, and creole tomatoes. Sadie and I stopped at Whole Foods to grab a couple of things I'll need to make gazpacho tomorrow. I love making gazpacho in the summer; I could eat it every day for lunch. Today was a big occasion for B--#2 in the potty (! She was so excited. She screamed, "Now we can go to the toy store!" I told her that when it happened in NOLA (she did in Vacherie when I was in NYC) she could pick out a toy. We went to Magic Box Toys and she looked at nearly every toy in the store, and she had a tough time making up her mind. She ended up picking a Melissa & Doug cookie set for her kitchen. When we got to Magic Box B said, "Good parkin' job, Mommy. High five!" and put up her hand. I am a terrible parker so I appreciated her compliment.
Here are a few pics:

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