Sadie is VERY opinionated about what she wears. Betsy has never really cared about it. B may say that she wants to wear a dress or a nightgown, but that's about it. Sadie never wants to wear what I pick out and campaigns every day to wear her pajamas to school. She'll say, "I wear dis" and point to her pajamas. She hates changing clothes. Every night she chooses to wear the pajamas we have for B and B has to wear Sadie's pajamas that are a bit too small or wear something else. Betsy is surprisingly very understanding about this.
One of Sadie's favorite words is "my"--my Mommy, my Daddy, and her latest is my Penny. Sadie's manners are incredible--she never forgets to say "please" (peez) or "thank you" (dat doo). Sadie's favorite foods are bananas, peanut butter, and beans and rice. She isn't much of an adventurous eater. Sadie likes to sit on my bed and watch me get ready for work. She loves blowing bubbles in the backyard with her Daddy.
She is funny about taking baths--sometimes she loves it, but lately she is not a fan. We bought bath markers and a bathtime My Little Pony doll, but she would rather just stand while we bathe her then get out. I have one last toy in my arsenal--a fairy that doubles as a bubble blower with a flower that it floats on. I bought one for each girl so I hope it works.
Sadie wants whatever B has. I know that's a common thing for siblings, but it's so crazy. If B has a white fork Sadie has to have a white fork, etc. I have to buy 2 of everything now so they match.
Sadie likes wearing barrettes, but she doesn't really like bows. She loves to wear skirts.
When Betsy turned 2 she was my big girl, but I feel like Sadie is still my baby. I guess she'll always be my baby. I love you, Sadie Boo!!!

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