Last week was our last Music class--although I didn't know it at the time. Sadie loved it and we're going to keep on singing the songs! Marme, Attie, Katie, and Lawsy came over Monday afternoon to play. B had a visit with Dr. Warren last week and everything looks good--going back in 6 months. We had dinner at Jama and Pa's on Tuesday night, but we missed Gumbo (he was in Canada), the Navarres (Cal was sick), and the Babin boys (at the beach). We'll all be together again this Tuesday to celebrate Taddy's belated birthday. Happy Birthday, Taddy! We had our last yoga class last week and it was a disaster. B prefers what she calls "om yoga" and so do I.
On Friday night we went to Rum House and Sucre with Calvert and Neila. It was fun to catch up with them. Yesterday the girls woke up at 4 am. They never do that. I heard Sadie and normally I would leave her, but B and I had colds last week and I was worried that she felt bad. She didn't. When I went in there she had a huge smile on her face and was wide awake. Then B woke up. Ugh. They did not go back to sleep. B didn't end up napping either so she was a nut by late afternoon. We ate breakfast at Fuel--well, P and the girls did. I have tried their coffee a few times, and I give up now--it is gross. Marme, B, and I went uniform shopping. The Little Hearts uniforms are adorable. Then we shopped for new work clothes for me, and Marme bought me a beautiful bag for my birthday. Last night we went to Camp Pleasant with Gumbo, Bee, the Carvilles, Katie and Peter. We had a delicious dinner and the girls loved swimming. It was so nice outside, and we had a blast. Today we went to Lee Catherine's second birthday party at The Monkey Room. The girls played so hard. The favors were incredible--monogrammed tote bags--go, Tara! While we were at the party Peter prepared for his first trial, which is tomorrow. Good luck, Boo!