Sunday, July 19, 2009


Today we again affirmed that B has a soy allergy. I gave her her usual breakfast--banana, waffle, peanut butter, and milk. She said she had a tummy ache, but she has been saying that a lot lately even when she really doesn't have one. We got ready to go to breakfast with Momma Lady and Grandpa. The girls looked really cute (see the polka dot dress pics below). We were driving around the Quarter to park and all of a sudden B started throwing up a lot. She was hysterical and kept saying "What I did?" She hadn't thrown up in a year and so she didn't know what was happening to her. We had a screaming toddler in her pull up and sandals on the sidewalk in the Quarter. My poor baby! Luckily I had just bought a bunch of paper towels and they were still in the car. It was a mess, and so sad. I just kept thinking that since she hadn't had soy that she must be sick and S was going to get sick. After we got her home and bathed I was talking to Attie and then I realized I had bought a different kind of peanut butter. I read the label and it contained "soy protein." I have never heard of p.b. containing soy. I felt so bad for giving it to her and making her sick. She got in her sleeping bag in her playroom and watched movies and I gave her a bday present early (Momma was feelin' guilty). ML and G stopped by for a visit too. She was absolutely fine the rest of the day, but she keeps talking about the incident. This capped off a pretty lowkey weekend. Yesterday P played golf and the girls and I went to the mall for a bit. Courtney came over last night for dinner then we met Jack at St. Joe's for mojitos--fun and yum.
B's latest gems:
--I'm twying to concentrate.
--When I fuss at her she says, "I'm sawwy, I'm sawwy, I'm sawwy" really fast.
--The other day when I picked her up from camp her counselor Katie said, "Tell your Mommy about our special snack today!" And B said, "Watermelon!" As soon as we drove off she said, "So we didn't have popsicles." Snap!
--She's definitely in the "WHY?" stage.

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