We really missed our girls last week. They had a fabulous time in Vacherie--lots of swimming, playing with their cousins, having picnics, seeing two movies, and generally having the best time ever. Thank you so so so much, Momma Lady and Grandpa!!! P had to work a lot last week, but we managed to play a couple of games of racquetball and had dinner on Friday night. I also attended a surprise party for Bobby and lunch at Patois with Bobby, Pa, Taddy, the Carville girls, and Katie. We had so much fun visiting with Bobby over the past couple of weeks. After lunch we toured Katie and Peter's beautiful new house. They are moving in next week--can't wait! Congrats, guys!
After we picked up the girls we headed to Ryan's birthday party at BooKoo Bounce. The girls were so happy to see Lawson--it had been a whole week since the girls had hung out.
The girls started "Camp Carville" today. Attie is an absolute angel!!! The girls had a blast today. Today's theme was 'Flowers.' First, they went to Music Class at The Parenting Center then they went to Attie's for a flower craft, a flower experiment then later cupcake decorating. After we got home from Attie's both girls crashed--no dinner, no bath, and they fell asleep in the adorable Camp Carville t-shirts Attie had made for them.
Tomorrow we have B's pre-op appointment with Dr. Warren, because she is having surgery to remove the hardware in her leg next Monday. I have the whole week off. I'm sure her recovery will be swift. Please keep her in your prayers.

Our recovered glider: